The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Scripture - Lesson VIII

Power Gifts Part I
Faith, Miracles, Discernment of spirits

Suggested answers.
Be sure to answer the questions yourself first!
Then compare your answers to those listed here.

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1. What did Jesus do that He promises that we can do also?
Everything – "you can do this and more"

2. What does it mean to ask in Jesus' name?
It doesn’t mean that there is something magical about asking in Jesus’ name, but it means that you are trusting in His word. Ideally, we would be so close to Him that we would be representing Him in the request. (Like "open in the name of the law" – the person making the demand is an official representative of the legal system.)

3. What can we ask for in Jesus' name?
We can ask for anything in His name which is in accordance with His will, He is a Big God and is only limited by our faith and trust in Him.

4. What are barriers to our receiving what we ask for?
Lack of faith and expectation, not persevering, asking for the wrong motives
James writes to ask in faith not be a doubter for the doubter is like the surf driven by the wind who cannot expect anything from the Lord.

5. Was it only the power of their words by which the apostles gave their testimony? What else?
With the power of the Holy Spirit. They demonstrated their faith through this supernatural power.


6. How is the faith spoken of in these passages different from the faith spoken of in Romans (e.g.5:1-2) and Heb 11:1-6, 1Pet 1:6-9 ?
This is the super natural power of faith through the Holy Spirit to go beyond what is humanly possible.
The faith spoken of in Romans is justifying faith that brings salvation.

7. How can our faith grow?
Faith is like a muscle, it has to be exercised and fed nutritional food. Exercising ones faith is doing what Jesus commands us to do. We feed it by hearing and studying the word of God along with prayer and receiving the sacraments of the Church. Associating with, observing, and reading about Christians with a strong faith can also help.

8. Jesus said, "Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." What if we ask for a million dollars?
Probably not – it’s too likely to be from the wrong motives, but if we are to have it for His purpose we will get it.

9. What lesson(s) about faith can we learn from Peter's experience?
Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and not the circumstances around you.


10. What is a miracle?
An act of God outside the usual laws of nature

11. What is the purpose (or purposes) of miracles?
Attest to the truth of the gospel – bring people to Jesus
Strengthen the faith of believers
Meet people’s needs – demonstrate God’s love for them
Show that the power of God is here on earth & that all things are subject to Him

12. What modern-day miracles do you know of or have you experienced?
Everyone should be able to think of some

13. To what extent is unbelief a barrier to miracles today? What else prevents us from experiencing miracles?
(a) considerably
(b) lack of faith
lack of teaching that brings about an expectation of miracles
self reliance
lack of a believing community that expects miracles
reliance on science
wrong motives

Discernment of spirits

14. What kinds of spirits are there?
The Holy Spirit; angels, the human spirit; demons

15. Where did evil spirits come from?
The rebellion of angels who followed Satan

16. What is discernment of spirits?
The gift of perception to be able to distinguish different kinds of spirits
Knowing the specific spirit involved in a situation
Determining the nature of spiritual influences

17. How can there be a "spirit events, trends, and TV programs"?
In a general sense – the "spirit of the age" – the atmosphere, guiding principle
In a specific sense – there may be specific spirits influencing them - The evil spirits use people as pawns

18. Why is discernment of spirits important?
To avoid being deceived
To avoid being influenced into sin or evil
To understand what is influencing the culture, other people, and ourselves

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