The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Scripture - Lesson 1

The Holy Spirit and His gifts

Suggested answers.
Be sure to answer the questions yourself first!
Then compare your answers to those listed here.

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1. (a) Who is the Holy Spirit?
God – the third Person of the Trinity. He is described as the Advocate, the Consoler, the Paraclete (one who stands beside), and the Spirit of Truth.

(b) The Holy Spirit is described both as a gift and as a giver of gifts. What does this mean?
He is a gift from God Who in turn gives gifts to us.

2. (a) When did the apostles receive the Holy Spirit?
Initially when Jesus appeared to them after His resurrection and breathed on them (Jn 20:22). Then in a fuller way at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11).

(b) When do Christians receive the Holy Spirit?
Initially at baptism, then in a fuller way at confirmation. In a sense each time they receive a sacrament.

(c) Is there a difference between receiving the Holy Spirit and being filled with the Holy Spirit?
Yes – just as the apostles didn’t manifest much effect from initially receiving the Holy Spirit, but did after the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost, most Christians don’t manifest much effect from initially receiving the Holy Spirit in baptism. We tend to push Him over into a corner, being aware only intellectually that He’s in our lives, until some occasion when we ask Him to be more active in our lives. This greater filling is often referred to as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit or the release of the Spirit.

3. For what purpose does He give His gifts?
For building up the Body of Christ. The gifts are not given to each of us for our own benefit, but for the benefit of others.

4. Why should we seek the gifts of the Spirit?
To be obedient to the commands of scripture
To be able to serve others better
The gifts are a source of grace
All of God’s gifts are good and therefore to be desired
(We might notice that it is seekling the gifts of the Holy Spirit - it's not just one per person, but the Holy Spirit gives gifts "as He wills".)

5. What is the difference between the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit?
The gifts might be likened to tools which can be given at a point in time ("the Spirit gives them as He wills"). The fruits of the Spirit are characteristics which, like natural fruit, take time to grow.

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