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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Scripture - Lesson III
Miscellaneous Gifts
Redemptive suffering (martyrdom), Celibacy,
Poverty, Intercession, Hospitality
Redemptive suffering (martyrdom)
Catechism 852, 1173, 1435, 2473, 2506,2648
Rev 2:10, 7:9-17 Ac 7:54-8:2
1. What good came of Stephen's martyrdom?
Mt 5:10-12, Mk 13:9-13, Lk 6:22-23, Lk 9:23-26, Lk 21:12-19
2. (a) How and where do Christians face persecution now? Martyrdom?
(b) How can we prepare for persecution? Martyrdom?
2Cor 1:3-7, Col 1:24, Phil 3:7-14, 1Pet 2:19-21
3. What benefits can come from suffering?
SG Celibacy
Catechism 915, 1579, 2345, 2337, 2339, 2348, 2349, 2518
Mt 19:10-12, 1Cor 7:32-35
4. (a) What is celibacy?
(b) What is the difference, if any, between celibacy and chastity?
5. Who is called to celibacy? to chastity?
6. What are the benefits of celibacy or chastity?
Catechism 520, 2053, 2544, 2545, 2546
Mt 6:19-21, Lk 14:33, Mk 10:17-27, Lk 12:32-34, Lk19:8-10, Ac 4:32-37,5:1-4
7. Are we all called to sell all our possessions? Why or why not?
Lk 6:20,24-25
8. How can it be a blessing to be poor?
Mt5:3, Lk 18:24-27, Lk 12:13-21, Lk 18:9-14
9. What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
SG Intercession
Catechism 2098, 2577, 2584, 2634, 2635-36, 2644 & 2647
Ex 32:11-14, Lk 18:1-8, Col 1:9-12, 1Tim 2:1-2
10. What is intercession?
11. For whom do you feel called to intercede?
SG Hospitality
Catechism 1654, 1971, 2571,
Heb13:1-2, Rm 12:13, Gen 18:1-7, 1Pet 4:9-11
12. What is hospitality?
13. How can you offer hospitality?
"Hospitality provides the context for developing Christian community"(SG)
14. What is meant by "Christian community"?
15. How can you help develop Christian Community?
Suggested answers.
Be sure to answer the questions yourself first!
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