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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit in Scripture - Lesson VII
WordGifts - Part II
Tongues, Interpretation of tongues, Prophecy
Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues
SG Tongues,
of tongues
Catechism 2003
1. When did people in the New Testament seem to begin to speak or pray in tongues?
3. What are the purposes of praying in tongues?
4. Why would one want to speak or pray in tongues?
5. What is a barrier which you may have to speaking or praying in tongues?
6. What opportunities do we have for speaking or praying in tongues?
7. Under what circumstances would interpretation of tongues be needed?
SG Prophecy
Catechism 64, 156,158, 1788, 2115, 2584
Rm 12:6-8, Eph 2:19-20,3:4-5, Jer 1:1-10, Amos 7:14-15,
Jer 2:1-7, 1Tim 4:13-14, Ac 11:27-30. Ac 19:1-7, Ac 21:8-11,
Lk 1:67, Lk 2:36-38, 1:20-21, Ac 2:16-18, 1Cor 14:3-4
8. What is prophecy?
9. What are the purposes of prophecy?
10. What is the difference between exercising the gift of prophecy and being a prophet?
Catechism 523, 719, 2642, 2581
Pr 29:18, Lk 1:76, 7:26 . Acts 13:1-3
11. In what sense was John the Baptist the last prophet? Does that mean that there are no longer any prophets?
12. "The people needed education in faith and conversion of heart; this was the mission of the prophets, both before and after the Exile." (C 1581) Is this still a need today? How could prophecy help fill that need?
Prophecy Part II
Num 11:24-30, 1Cor 14:1-5, 1Th 5:19-21,
Catechism 783,785, 871, 904, 1546, 2004
13. Can we all have the gift of prophecy? What might keep us from exercising the gift of prophecy?
Jer 19:1-2,10-11; Ez 4:1-8; Ac 21:10-11
14. Give an example of a modern day prophecy by action.
Jer 5:30-31,23:21-22, Mt 7:15-20,21-23, 2Pet 2:1-3, 1Jn 4:1-6
15. How can we identify false prophets?
16. If we are receiving what we think is a prophecy, how can we tell if it is really from the Spirit?
2Chron 20:13-19, 1Cor 12:4-11 14:1-5,29-33, 37-40, Jn 11:47-52, Ac 13:1-3
17. How can we be open to the gift of prophecy?
18. In what settings could the gift of prophecy be exercised?
Suggested answers.
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